University of the Free State
Case study: Aftermath of #FeesMustFall: An Activity Theoretical Analysis of Blended Learning at the UFS.
Resources developed:
The UFS focused on the development of online assessment resources that provides guidance on the entire assessment cycle from an overview of different types of online assessment. These resources include an overview of different types of online assessment and ideas on how to use it, guidelines for the development of good multiple choice questions, strategies for creating multiple choice questions that test higher order thinking, practical advice on providing good quality feedback and using online assessment results to improve student learning. A section on online assessment challenges commonly experienced, particularly relevant to the South African context, as well as advice on how to address these challenges is also included in this section of the resources.
URL: Online Assessment Resources
Project Manager:
Anneri Meintjes
Contact details:
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 5020